So there I was sitting in the middle of English class trying to focus on the discussion being presented to me. We were discussing using the net books we just got in English class and the myriads of positives and negatives of it. My mind soon wandered off into the crazy world of facebook. Facebook is the social way of being anti social, regardless of how much time you waste away on there.
Back to the awesome story. (Yes, I am secretly building up a ton of hype for nothing.) Facebook was brought up in the discussion. I thought of recent posts and such on facebook. Jake and I recently uploaded a photo and started quoting the The Big Lebowski. That picture had about 50 comments within five minutes. Soon i was scrolling through my notifications and noticed one that stood out. It was someone had commented on a link I posted to my brother Alex. I hadn't posted something on his profile in weeks! I did not understand what was going on. I mean why would someone recently comment on something that happened a long time ago? I read who commented on it. It was Willy. It explained everything. Willy is a Renaissance man and he does as he pleases. The comment which is somewhat vulgar shall not be quoted due to the fact that this is on my school blog site. I read the comment. It completely matched the video. I then started thinking about the video and what it was about. It was simply a pointless annoying song with grunting in the back round. I started laughing at the idiocy of this pointless video.
The link for the video is here if anyone so wishes to see it:
(Please remember that this will most likely make no sense to anyone unless you have played the video game Morrowind)
So I started cracking up and once some laughs got out i noticed that the classroom stopped. Everyone was looking at me. People began begging me to tell. I felt like a flat out idiot for laughing at something so stupid in an advanced English class. I then promised the class that I would blog it so they could all understand. That video has embarrassed me for the last time!